Please note: the use of the emulator is for testing/diagnostic purposes. The purchase of this device is a personal decision and our company is not responsible for any legal problems that arise with this decision if it is not used according to the stated purpose of testing/diagnosis.
For the installation of emulators, in many cases you need programming equipment and advanced knowledge of electronics, consult the installation manuals and/or instructions on the website, and if you do not feel qualified, please do not buy it and ask for the installation from a professional.
The use of this device causes a higher emission of exhaust gases. When you start using the emulator, your vehicle will not comply with Euro 4, Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. Our device is intended for countries that do not have Euro 4/5/6 ecological standards. The use of these devices is for troubleshooting or for use in countries that do not have Euro 4/5/6 ecological standards.
Adblue emulation, Adblue repair, Nox sensor repair, DPF emulator...Volvo B8R Adblue Removal Emulator is an emulator that solves common problems of DPF errors and regeneration errors in Volvo B8R buses. The Volvo B8R Euro 6 Adblue Removal Emulator is designed to override the AdBlue exhaust catalytic system. Electronically ignores the vehicle's Adblue system